Christ of the Abyss in the Florida Keys

People from all around the world flock to the Florida Keys to see the "Jesus statue" with many asking when was it put there? How old is it? Was it once above water and with time has been swallowed up by the sea?
Well the HOOK 360° family has seen it and it's truly something cool for the whole family to enjoy.
Let's go back a bit, the original Il Cristo degli Abissi, or Christ of the Abyss was lowered into the Mediterranean Sea on August 22, 1954, just off San Fruttuoso on the Italian Riviera. The nine-foot tall bronze statue was created by Guido Galletti, inspired by a concept by Italian diver Duilio Marcante. It was to be a memorial for all of those who lost their life while out to sea.
Seven years later a second bronze statue was built from the same mold and lowered off the coast of St. George’s, Grenada, in the southeastern Caribbean Sea. This occurred on October 21, 1961 and was actually a gift from Italy to honor the Italian crew saved from the sinking of the M.V. Bianca C, a passenger ship that had sunk off St. George’s earlier that year.
John Pennekamp was the first undersea park in the U.S. and encompasses approximately 70 nautical square miles. The third Il Cristo degli Abissi, or Christ of the Abyss was created from the same mold as the previous ones. This statue was donated to The Underwater Society of America by the Italian dive equipment manufacturer Egidio Cressi. On August 25th, 1965 it was placed in its final resting spot 25 feet below the surface. Shortly after it was placed it became the most famous underwater attractions in Key Largo, and naturally attracted plenty of divers.
John Pennekamp is one of the most beautiful places to visit and offers glass bottom boat tours, snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking and much more. Pennekamp was added to the National Register of Historic Places on April 14, 1972 only 9 years after it was founded.
Take the family and check out this work of art under the sea.